Sunday, August 23, 2015

Left the Orionis Nebula (ish)

Thought this was a cool looking planet

Just thought this was a cool view

I believe this was the Running Man Nebula

Think I can squeeze through?

Earth like with life and Orion Nebula in the background

It's polar ice caps

All systems are 93% or better.  Almost died jumping into that system with stars on each side, but I made it out with 120% heat.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Arrived at the Orionis Nebula (ish)

Have I mentioned that it's lonely out here?  I can't remember the last time I saw someone.

So I've made it to the beginning of the Orionis system.  The Orion Nebula is out here.  It's a welcome change from what I've been used to.

The first photo is the Orionis system.  the second one is looking back on where I came from.  As you can see, there's a huge difference in the amount of stars available.

All systems are still in good condition.  I'm down to 94% for a few systems due to some issues with dropping into a star or 5.

Exploration is interesting.  All the danger that I get into is generally due to my own mistakes.  Most common ones are flying too close to a star or not refueling enough.  I really need to make it a rule that if  I'm below 50%, I always refuel asap.  I've had too many close calls.

Until next time...

Hello from the Witch Head Nebula!

All systems nominal at 95% or higher.  Have found 4 planets with life on them so far.  No one out here but me, myself and I.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What's the date?

Let's start with some photos!

Found a really cool system full of stars with rings around them.

Ship is doing well.  All systems are 98%+.  I need to stop going to hyperdrive right after I fuel scoop.  I'm already at 65% heat due to scooping and hyperdrive adds an additional 40%.  I need to get away from the sun before I jump.

It's lonely out here.  Haven't seen another ship in a long time.  Don't really have any direction.  Betelgeuse was amazing.  To be 2700Ls away and still have it almost burn my ship.. wow.

Hello from Betelgeuse

Almost seems like any other star until you see that I'm 2700Ls away.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hello from Wredguia RS-C b26-0

It's lonely out here.  I'm only about 600ly out from 3447.  Haven't found any additional planets with life, but I do have a lot of M class stars scanned.  Need those guys in order to be able to refuel.

Ship is doing well.  Small run in with a star caused some systems to go down to 98%.  I'm not worried about it as they're just Trail scratches.

Monday, August 17, 2015

18.8.3310 Found First Planet with Life

Exciting start to my journey.  At about 50 jumps out, I came across a star that was already discovered by someone.  Upon doing a scan, I found 22 new objects, 20 of which remained unexplored.

After heading to the first one, I scanned it and found it to contain water life.  It was my first life planet!  You can see pictures of it above.  The rest of the planets were all icy/rock.

No major issues so far.  Just warping and sca ning.  I stop at the interesting ones, but for the most part I'm making my way to the rim.  I thought I was out of occupied space when I came across an independent outpost in the middle of nowhere.  I ended up parking and calling it a night inside of that outpost.  I also used the opportunity to sell some junk exploration data from the populated space.

So far it's been a fun journey.  Can't wait to see what the future holds!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Yaya I Left (kinda)

Looking Back

So I left today.  My starting point was Horrowitz Orbital in Ki.  I sold my cargo rack and purchased an AFMU.  I am out.  Fair solar winds and following ... seas?  Are there seas in Space?

I got some shots on the way out too!

 The View Before Takeoff

First Star I Jumped To

Friday, August 14, 2015

A Selfie Stick

It is hard to take selfies in Space.  I actually took this from inside the station I was visiting.  I was hoping to get a better camera before I left to document the sites, but this old camera from 3300 will have to do.

I've decided not to go for the A5 FSD.  I had initially thought that it was $1.6 milion, but when looking at it again it is 4.5.  I am not that rich.  I am going to grab an Advanced Discovery Scanner tonight and head out within the next few days.  My current setup gives me a 25.6 ly jump range.  That should hopefully be enough for my journey.  I still need to buy one of those fancy repair units.  My issue is that I would need to either drop my entire cargo hold, or drop my shields.  I think the shields are more important, but what if I find something cool?  I would not be able to bring it back if I lose my cargo hold.

So many decisions, so little time.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The View

Can't believe that this will be my view for a while.  I realized today that I have saved up enough for an Advanced Discovery Scanner.  I could technically just leave now if I was ok with my jump range.  At the moment, I am at 20.5 LY.  With the right FSD, I can be at 31.  I figure it's worthwhile to wait and pick that up.

I should probably get a field repair kit too.  I have no idea what I'm doing.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

13 Aug 3301

I don't have any guns.

I wonder if this is something that I'm going to regret in the future.  On the one hand, guns can be very useful.  I might need to destroy an asteroid.  Or blow up a planet.  On the other hand, they are kinda heavy.  

I don't know why I'm actually writing in this.  I am in a ship that fits 1 person, writing in a journal that lives on the ship.  Who is even going to read this?  I guess the thought is that if I for some reason do not make it, maybe someone will find me and try to understand where I'm going.  Let's start with introductions.

I am Cmdr Roy of the starship Invictus.  I have been a starship pilot for a long time now.  I spent many years fighting other starships when I realized that I really liked exploring.  Fortunately we live in a universe where I can actually do that.

My goal is to go to the edge of the universe, and then see how much further I can go.  I don't have a super fancy ship.  Heck, I don't even have guns.  I do have a curiosity though.  That curiosity isn't going to keep the air in my ship or food in my belly, but it should get us some interesting stories.

I'm almost ready to go, really.  I need to purchase a better FSD and an Advanced Discovery Scanner.  Once I have those 2 items, I am leaving.  Goodbye civilization.  Goodbye hamburgers (what do space explorers eat?).  Goodbye everything I knew before.  The entire universe is on my to-do list and I unfortunately don't have much time.