Sunday, October 11, 2015

There and Back Again - a Cmdr dz story

A lot has happened since the last post.  For starters, I went back home.  Many reasons really, but that doesn't matter.  I spent some time getting some bounty hunting in.  Made a lot of money.  A lot.  Enough that I have upgraded my little DBE to an Asp Explorer.  34ly jumps, 5A fuel scoop and plenty of cargo space.  This new ride is pretty awesome.

Here she is being delivered to me.  Hasn't even had a first flight yet.

Goodbye human space
 Once I got all modules sorted out, I left again.  This ship has lots of space - 2 floors!  The fuel scoop takes under a minute to fill me up from completely empty.

I decided that my way out would look very similar to my previous path.  I headed down to the Orion Nebula.  Here are some photos along the way.

This could've been bad

So I'm a few days in.  All systems are at a comfortable 100% health.  I've decided to use LHS 3447 as a good measure of distance.  As of this broadcast, I am 1,648ly away and at ~65 jumps.  I love having a range of 34ly.

I have no real direction.  I'm just going to go.  I think it might be neat to travel around the outer edges of the galaxy, but at the same time I'd really enjoying paying visit to the core.  Only time will tell where I end up.